Open Antrectomy and Duodenal Resection for Neuroendocrine Tumor
Table of Contents
1. Anesthesia/Prep/Drape
- After adequate general endotracheal anesthesia was obtained, the patient was sterilely prepped and draped in standard fashion.
2. Exposure
- Midline abdominal incision, enter peritoneum.
- Entry of lesser sac using wide Kocher maneuver.
- Evaluation of pylorus and duodenum.
3. Duodenal Resection
- Ligation of right gastroepiploic artery and right gastric artery.
- Examine pylorus and duodenum for tumor.
- Division of duodenum.
4. Gastric Resection
- Mobilization of stomach and division of short vessels along the lesser and greater curvature.
- Resection of Antrum and send specimen for pathology.
5. Retrocolic Gastrojejunostomy
- Mobilization of jejunum to stomach in retrocolic fashion.
- Two-layer anastomosis:
- Interrupted 3-0 silk (outer layer).
- Running 3-0 Vicryl (inner layer).
- Lembert sutures.
- Bring anastomosis through trap and suture in place.
6. Closure
- Abdominal fascia closed with #1 running Prolene.
- Skin closed with staples.