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Flexor Digitorum Superficialis to Flexor Digitorum Profundus (STP) Transfer, Adductor Release, and Z-Plasty for a Pediatric, Stroke-Induced Left Hand Spastic Contracture

Sudhir B. Rao, MD1; Mark N. Perlmutter, MS, MD, FICS, FAANOS2; Arya S. Rao3
1Big Rapids Orthopaedics
2Carolina Regional Orthopaedics
3Undergraduate Student, Deparment of Biological Sciences, Columbia University

1. Introduction and Surgical Approach

2. Incision and Exposure of Tendons

3. FPL Tendon Lengthening

  1. Split and Divide FPL Tendon
  2. Side-to-Side Repair of Lengthened FPL Tendon

4. Proximal Division of Superficialis Tendons

5. Distal Division of Profundus Tendons and Pulvertaft Repair

6. Review and Inspection

7. Closure

8. Marking for Adductor Release and Z-Plasty

9. Z-Incision and Exposure

10. Adductor Pollicis Release

11. First Dorsal Interosseous Release

12. Z-Plasty

13. Post-op Remarks