Subcutaneous Ulnar Nerve Transposition
Tags: Orthopaedics
Table of Contents
1. Introduction and Surgical Approach
2. Incision
3. Superficial Dissection
4. Identify and Preserve Medial Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve
5. Ulnar Nerve Dissection
- Identify Ulnar Nerve and Examine Movement
- Start Dissection Posterior to the Medial Epicondyle
- Mobilize Nerve Circumferentially
- Mobilize Nerve Distally and then Proximally
- Transpose Ulnar Nerve Anteriorly and Complete Dissection Posteriorly
- Release First Branch to the FCU if Necessary
- Complete Dissection Distally Between the Two Heads of the FCU
6. Release Intermuscular Septum
7. Cubital Tunnel Closure
8. Subcutaneous Transposition
- Mark for Submuscular Transposition with Z-Lengthening
- Raise Posterior Limb to Form Fascial Sling
- Close Fascial Sling to Anterior Skin Flap Subcutaneous Tissue to Secure Ulnar Nerve