Robotic End Colostomy Reversal
Tags: General Surgery
Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Incision, Access to the Abdomen, and Lysis of Adhesions
- 3. Robot Docking
- 4. Colostomy Dissection and Further Lysis of Adhesions
- 5. Distal Colon Mobilization
- 6. Colon Stapled Transections
- 7. Preparation of Colon Ends for Anastomosis
- 8. Intracorporeal Handsewn Two-Layer Anastomosis
- 9. Hemostasis, Robot Undocking, and Port Site Closure
- 10. Colostomy Site Excision and Closure with Scar Revision
- 11. Post-op Remarks