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Insertion of a Right-Sided PleurX Catheter for Palliation of a Malignant Pleural Effusion

1. Introduction

2. Patient Preparation

3. Selection of Entry and Exit Sites for PleurX Catheter

4. Injection of Local Anesthetic

5. Elements of PleurX Kit

6. Incisions

7. Create Tunnel and Pass the PleurX Catheter Between the Two Sites

8. Enter Pleural Space with Insertion Sheath

9. Guidewire Insertion Through Sheath Followed by Sheath Removal

10. Dilation of Tract over Guidewire

11. Breakaway Sheath Placement over the Guidewire

12. Removal of the Guidewire and Inner Part of Breakaway Sheath

13. PleurX Catheter Insertion Through Breakaway Sheath and into Pleural Space

14. Drain Pleural Effusion and Collect Samples

15. Closure and Securing the PleurX Catheter